to all our friends and ministry partners – wow, 2017 is almost half way gone! Donna & I are currently on ‘fasting diets’ and some days we announce our countdown to when we can drink coffee or eat chocolate again – (Donna is on the coffee fast – I think I would literally die!)
Anyway, I was reminded of the countdown IMM has to fulfil our vision of 250 churches by 2020. Now depending on whether you are a glass ½ full or glass ½ empty sought of person we are either 40% there or we have 60% yet to accomplish – either way we are very excited about how God is using IMM and our Aussie sponsors to build His church in Nepal.
We are often asked where do the Church planters come from that work with IMM? Thankfully our Nepali partners, Pastor Min Raj & Pastor Shashi, have tremendous contacts around Nepal and they are continually mobilising – looking for and recruiting new workers to plant churches with us. In September this year we will train and deploy a new group of workers – this will be our fifth group.
Please pray with us for God’s enabling as we continue our countdown of 250 by 2020.
Partners together, Ross and Donna.
- Sponsor a church planter & transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project & provide the most basic of human rights
- Give generally so we can direct your support to where it is most needed
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above to forward your gift)
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
We have received a great response to our Short Term Mission Trip in November! There are a few spots left, so if you have been thinking of applying, don’t delay.
We will be finalising the team in the next few weeks.
You can apply via our website or by emailing
Prayer Please:
- For all of God’s purposes to be achieved through our sabbatical break.
- For safety & words of wisdom for our Church planters in Nepal.
- For our teams going to Nepal in September and November this year.
Give Thanks with us for:
- Rest and relaxation times while on break.
- Our latest family addition – Daniel & Hannah are fostering another baby boy – Neil.
- God’s faithful enabling for all our ministry endeavours.
to all our friends and ministry partners – wow, 2017 is almost half way gone! Donna & I are currently on ‘fasting diets’ and some days we announce our countdown to when we can drink coffee or eat chocolate again – (Donna is on the coffee fast – I think I would literally die!)
Anyway, I was reminded of the countdown IMM has to fulfil our vision of 250 churches by 2020. Now depending on whether you are a glass ½ full or glass ½ empty sought of person we are either 40% there or we have 60% yet to accomplish – either way we are very excited about how God is using IMM and our Aussie sponsors to build His church in Nepal.
We are often asked where do the Church planters come from that work with IMM? Thankfully our Nepali partners, Pastor Min Raj & Pastor Shashi, have tremendous contacts around Nepal and they are continually mobilising – looking for and recruiting new workers to plant churches with us. In September this year we will train and deploy a new group of workers – this will be our fifth group.
Please pray with us for God’s enabling as we continue our countdown of 250 by 2020.
Partners together, Ross and Donna.
- Sponsor a church planter & transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project & provide the most basic of human rights
- Give generally so we can direct your support to where it is most needed
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above to forward your gift)
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
We have received a great response to our Short Term Mission Trip in November! There are a few spots left, so if you have been thinking of applying, don’t delay.
We will be finalising the team in the next few weeks.
You can apply via our website or by emailing
Prayer Please:
- For all of God’s purposes to be achieved through our sabbatical break.
- For safety & words of wisdom for our Church planters in Nepal.
- For our teams going to Nepal in September and November this year.
Give Thanks with us for:
- Rest and relaxation times while on break.
- Our latest family addition – Daniel & Hannah are fostering another baby boy – Neil.
- God’s faithful enabling for all our ministry endeavours.
Wed, 21 Jun 2017 23:22:20 +0000
May News from IMM
Dear friends,
Greetings from Cane toad territory!
Indigenous principles work – even when you don’t.
As you may be aware, Donna and I are on a break. We are enjoying much needed rest to refresh ourselves in a number of ways.
There are two things that give us peace of mind and spirit while we are taking it easy: the first is knowing Janelle, our faithful Administrator, is taking care of business – meaning my workload can decrease significantly for the short term.
However, it is the indigenous nature of our ministries which is really exciting and gives us tremendous encouragement.
In March this year IMM boosted our church planting team to approximately 100 Nepali men and women, so even when we are not physically in Nepal, the work goes on.
These amazing men and women are working hard to establish Christian churches in least reached areas.
“When we equip and trust locals to do what locals do best, we continue to see Jesus building His church through his people.”
Give thanks for:
- God’s work done in God’s way
- Opportunity for rest and renewal
- Each worker God positions to join with us
Intercede with us for:
- Safety and protection for each of our church planters
- Donna and Ross to walk in and enjoy God’s presence
- For IMM’s Nepali leaders
2017 Mission Trip
Is there a young person in your world who needs to be part of this trip?
Applications close 1st August
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
Cost: $2955 (all inclusive)
Go. Serve. Change.
‘Go as one kind of person and come back another kind of person’
Places are filling up fast –
so don’t delay!
Visit our website to apply
- Donate generally – this goes straight to the current ‘GREATEST NEED’
- Sponsor a church planter and transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project and provide the most basic of human rights
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above
to forward your gift)
Next month we will be sharing exciting news about a special new project – our biggest project to date with the potential to empower lives for generations to come! |
May News from IMM
Dear friends,
Greetings from Cane toad territory!
Indigenous principles work – even when you don’t.
As you may be aware, Donna and I are on a break. We are enjoying much needed rest to refresh ourselves in a number of ways.
There are two things that give us peace of mind and spirit while we are taking it easy: the first is knowing Janelle, our faithful Administrator, is taking care of business – meaning my workload can decrease significantly for the short term.
However, it is the indigenous nature of our ministries which is really exciting and gives us tremendous encouragement.
In March this year IMM boosted our church planting team to approximately 100 Nepali men and women, so even when we are not physically in Nepal, the work goes on.
These amazing men and women are working hard to establish Christian churches in least reached areas.
“When we equip and trust locals to do what locals do best, we continue to see Jesus building His church through his people.”
Give thanks for:
- God’s work done in God’s way
- Opportunity for rest and renewal
- Each worker God positions to join with us
Intercede with us for:
- Safety and protection for each of our church planters
- Donna and Ross to walk in and enjoy God’s presence
- For IMM’s Nepali leaders
2017 Mission Trip
Is there a young person in your world who needs to be part of this trip?
Applications close 1st August
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
Cost: $2955 (all inclusive)
Go. Serve. Change.
‘Go as one kind of person and come back another kind of person’
Places are filling up fast –
so don’t delay!
Visit our website to apply
- Donate generally – this goes straight to the current ‘GREATEST NEED’
- Sponsor a church planter and transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project and provide the most basic of human rights
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above
to forward your gift)
Next month we will be sharing exciting news about a special new project – our biggest project to date with the potential to empower lives for generations to come! |
Fri, 19 May 2017 21:53:31 +0000
IMM Nepal Young Adult’s Team – for you or someone you know
23rd November – 10th December
Short Term Mission Trip
Life Changing. Educational. Inspiring.
‘….this trip has impacted me beyond words – life-changing in all aspects!’
‘I felt challenged to look at my own life and what God wants me to do with my life.’ |
Change your life perspective!
Be empowered to make a difference in the long term! |
- visit IMM’s children’s homes
- tour through a small community in Lalitpur, Kathmandu – meet the locals
- visit newly started churches and hear their inspiring testimonies
- be part of an amazing team of like-minded young people
- visit and participate in Nepali schools – share about Australia and Aussie culture
- experience church Nepali style – not like home!
- gain an understanding of Nepali culture by visiting some surprising locations and tourist spots
TOTAL COST – $2955
includes air fares, visa, travel insurance, accommodation,
meals, side trips and a project giftNOTE: a non-refundable registration fee of $100 is required
when you applyREADY TO SIGN UP? – Applications close 1st August, 2017
Register your interest by:
visiting our website
or email
We encourage you to register as soon as possible –
teams fill up quickly and numbers are limited!
IMM Nepal Young Adult’s Team – for you or someone you know
23rd November – 10th December
Short Term Mission Trip
Life Changing. Educational. Inspiring.
‘….this trip has impacted me beyond words – life-changing in all aspects!’
‘I felt challenged to look at my own life and what God wants me to do with my life.’ |
Change your life perspective!
Be empowered to make a difference in the long term! |
- visit IMM’s children’s homes
- tour through a small community in Lalitpur, Kathmandu – meet the locals
- visit newly started churches and hear their inspiring testimonies
- be part of an amazing team of like-minded young people
- visit and participate in Nepali schools – share about Australia and Aussie culture
- experience church Nepali style – not like home!
- gain an understanding of Nepali culture by visiting some surprising locations and tourist spots
TOTAL COST – $2955
includes air fares, visa, travel insurance, accommodation,
meals, side trips and a project giftNOTE: a non-refundable registration fee of $100 is required
when you applyREADY TO SIGN UP? – Applications close 1st August, 2017
Register your interest by:
visiting our website
or email
We encourage you to register as soon as possible –
teams fill up quickly and numbers are limited!
Thu, 27 Apr 2017 03:21:03 +0000
IMM April Newsletter
Hi friends and all our partners in taking the message of Jesus to least reached people,I love this time of year, the changing season reminds me of the different seasons in my life, I’m reminded that ‘there is a time for every purpose under heaven.’ For a number of years now, Donna and I have been working hard to build the ministry potential of IMM. God has blessed everything we have put our hands to.
Now I sense God’s leading to find some space with Donna and intentionally slow down for a couple of months. So around mid-May, we will pack our van and start our adventure by heading north. Along the way we will catch up with friends and family and around August, make our way home again from wherever we find ourselves.
I’ll still be active in IMM ministry via my laptop and hope to preach and share some of the exciting things God is doing through IMM along the way. So, if you know of a church/group or person around the country who may be blessed by hearing about our ministry, please connect the dots so we can minister along the way.
Please thank God with us for:
- the growth in the number of workers we have in Nepal
- The opportunity for a mini sabbatical
- His provision and care for each step of our journey
Please intercede with us for:
- Safety and protection for all IMM workers
- Wisdom in planning and preparing for upcoming Nepal trips
- Restoration while travelling around Oz
2017 Mission Trip
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
Cost: $2955 (all inclusive)
Go. Serve. Change.
‘Go as one kind of person and come back another kind of person’
Visit our website to apply!
- Donate generally – this goes straight to the current ‘GREATEST NEED’
- Sponsor a church planter and transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project and provide the most basic of human rights
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above
to forward your gift)
It’s a privilege to serve Nepali communities through church planting and
child sponsorshipsTogether we can make a difference!
IMM April Newsletter
Hi friends and all our partners in taking the message of Jesus to least reached people,I love this time of year, the changing season reminds me of the different seasons in my life, I’m reminded that ‘there is a time for every purpose under heaven.’ For a number of years now, Donna and I have been working hard to build the ministry potential of IMM. God has blessed everything we have put our hands to.
Now I sense God’s leading to find some space with Donna and intentionally slow down for a couple of months. So around mid-May, we will pack our van and start our adventure by heading north. Along the way we will catch up with friends and family and around August, make our way home again from wherever we find ourselves.
I’ll still be active in IMM ministry via my laptop and hope to preach and share some of the exciting things God is doing through IMM along the way. So, if you know of a church/group or person around the country who may be blessed by hearing about our ministry, please connect the dots so we can minister along the way.
Please thank God with us for:
- the growth in the number of workers we have in Nepal
- The opportunity for a mini sabbatical
- His provision and care for each step of our journey
Please intercede with us for:
- Safety and protection for all IMM workers
- Wisdom in planning and preparing for upcoming Nepal trips
- Restoration while travelling around Oz
2017 Mission Trip
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
Cost: $2955 (all inclusive)
Go. Serve. Change.
‘Go as one kind of person and come back another kind of person’
Visit our website to apply!
- Donate generally – this goes straight to the current ‘GREATEST NEED’
- Sponsor a church planter and transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project and provide the most basic of human rights
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above
to forward your gift)
It’s a privilege to serve Nepali communities through church planting and
child sponsorshipsTogether we can make a difference!
Thu, 20 Apr 2017 01:36:58 +0000
March News
News from our recent trip
Our recent trip to Nepal was very successful. It was a trip that stretched us, yet blessed us in so many ways. We sensed God’s hand so heavily upon us as we seek to impact Nepali people with the possibility of choosing Jesus.
On this trip we welcomed twelve more children into our Child Sponsorship Program, and we invited 40+ new Church Planters to join our Church Planting movement.
One story:
One young woman came to be interviewed to join our ministry and plant a church. We asked if she was married and she said “Yes, her husband was outside, also waiting to be interviewed”. They wanted to be interviewed separately because they each wanted to plant a church. We asked him to join us and as we investigated further, we discovered they had only been married the week before and now they were in separate dorms being trained to plant churches. We thought, “Wow – God will certainly bless this beautiful union.” And of course we invited them to plant their first church with IMM – TOGETHER!
2017 Mission Trips
Insight Team
26th September – 10th October
Cost: $2755 (all inclusive)
Experience for yourself how IMM is:
*equipping indigenous church planters
*empowering vulnerable children
*transforming communities
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
Cost: $2955 (all inclusive)
Go. Serve. Change.
‘Go as one kind of person and come back another kind of person’
Visit our website to apply!
- Sponsor a church planter & transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project & provide the most basic of human rights
- Give generally so we can direct your support to where it is most needed
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above to forward your gift)
March News
News from our recent trip
Our recent trip to Nepal was very successful. It was a trip that stretched us, yet blessed us in so many ways. We sensed God’s hand so heavily upon us as we seek to impact Nepali people with the possibility of choosing Jesus.
On this trip we welcomed twelve more children into our Child Sponsorship Program, and we invited 40+ new Church Planters to join our Church Planting movement.
One story:
One young woman came to be interviewed to join our ministry and plant a church. We asked if she was married and she said “Yes, her husband was outside, also waiting to be interviewed”. They wanted to be interviewed separately because they each wanted to plant a church. We asked him to join us and as we investigated further, we discovered they had only been married the week before and now they were in separate dorms being trained to plant churches. We thought, “Wow – God will certainly bless this beautiful union.” And of course we invited them to plant their first church with IMM – TOGETHER!
2017 Mission Trips
Insight Team
26th September – 10th October
Cost: $2755 (all inclusive)
Experience for yourself how IMM is:
*equipping indigenous church planters
*empowering vulnerable children
*transforming communities
Youth Impact Team
23rd November – 10th December
Cost: $2955 (all inclusive)
Go. Serve. Change.
‘Go as one kind of person and come back another kind of person’
Visit our website to apply!
- Sponsor a church planter & transform a community
- Empower a vulnerable child by facilitating a child sponsorship
- Support a special project & provide the most basic of human rights
- Give generally so we can direct your support to where it is most needed
BSB: 016-253
ACCOUNT: 900535414
(Use the ‘donate now’ bar above to forward your gift)
Fri, 17 Mar 2017 06:46:17 +0000